Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Dayna Morales made national headlines and received an outpouring of public support and at least $3,000 in donations after she claimed a family stiffed her and left her a note on the receipt reading, "Sorry, I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle and the way you live your life."

But after an unidentified couple came forward days later with a customer receipt and bank statement to prove that they had in fact left Morales an $18 tip on top of the $93.55 check, former friends of Morales also came forward claiming she was a compulsive liar.   http://is.gd/13343H

I don’t know why people got mad at Dayna.  What she did is exactly what many in society does, including many of our elected leaders.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  How is everyone doing?  I pray that everyone is staying safe and warm.  Things are going good with my family and I.  We got hit with some snow and ice but the cold temperatures was the worst part of the storm for us.  I am currently in Hebbronville, TX and did have to go through the areas of Texas that got hit with the storm.  Lots of vehicles were off the road and the travel was very slow.  I just have one thing to say.  People, if you have to be out in bad weather, go slow.  Especially if you live in a state that only has five snow plows in the whole state.  Well, I don’t know how many snow plows Texas has, but it can’t be very many.

I started out this blog by posting information about a story that has made national news.  A waitress named Dayna who worked at Gallop Asian Bistro told people via Facebook that a Christian couple didn’t leave her a tip cause she is a lesbian.  The couple came out and showed the media and restaurant that they did tip her.  It appears (we don’t really know) that she not only lied but also conned people out of lots of money via donations.   What I want to focus on though is not so much Dayna, but how society does exactly what she seems to have done. 

What Dayna did was work on people’s emotions by creating a victim and create a bad guy.  In this case, the victim was her (as a homosexual) and the bad guy was a couple (Christians).  This was a perfect situation because the government and media has already worked on people emotions by making homosexuals look like poor innocent victims and Christians are evil hateful people.   So this situation is already an emotionally charged one.  She then posted it on a social network group and works on people’s emotions.  She did this in order to profit from it.  This really didn’t take much for her to figure out.  Take a look at our elected leaders, the media, and the people around you.  Society creates victims all of the time to benefit our agenda.  Lets take a look at a few incidents.  Do y’all remember the Duke lacrosse team that was accused of raping a woman?  A bunch of civil rights advocates saw a huge story that they can profit from.  The duke lacrosse team were white boys and the woman was a poor black prostitute.  The made the woman out to be a victim and the rich white boys to be the bad guys.  They then used the media to work on people’s emotions and the civil rights advocates profited from it.  How about the minimum wage fight.  People are using the fast food workers as the victims and the restaurants as the bad guys.  Use the media to get people’s emotions worked up by telling stories about how grown adults with children are starving.  Who profits?  Elected leaders do through votes.  The problem is that when we create victims, we create slaves.  We make people out to be helpless and unable to do anything on their own.  They are literally dependent on others.  Also it eliminates any responsibility that the “victim” may have had that caused them to get to where they are.  By eliminating personal responsibility, we eliminate any chance for the person to change, grow, and improve themselves.  They are now victims for life.  This is why the government loves victims.  They know that the “victims” will always vote for them if they act like they care.  Don’t believe me?  Just pay close attention to the election campaigns and see who the candidates go for and how they work on the people’s emotions.  Another problem is that people get hurt.  The “bad guys” turn out to be the true victims.  The Duke lacrosse boys turned out to be victims to those who hate rich white people.  The couple who got accused of not tipping fell victim to those who hate Christians.  The restaurant owners (and all those who work hard and become successful) fall victim to those who hate success.  In order for this to work, you always need hate.  The people who profit from this must feed on peoples hate.  The people who create victims are no better than this waitress.  Take a look at yourself.  Do you create victims?  Do you look at those who choose their lifestyle or their path in life as victims?  Do you look at those that made bad choices as victims?  We all make our own choices and we all have the ability to improve our lives when we mess up.  We have all messed up at one time or another and some of those mess ups affect us the rest of our lives.  But only one person can make things better, that is the person who messed up.  Rather than creating victims, lets encourage people to take a look at what they did wrong and to fix it so they can improve their life.  Lets stop encouraging hate and lets stop hurting people by making them slaves.

Thank you for reading my blog.  Take care and God Bless.


The Oklahoma Tomcat

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