Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. How is everyone doing? I pray that everyone finds this blog in good health and spirits. Everything out here is going good. I have been on Werner's Dollar General account for about three days. They are short of drivers for this account and so they moved me to it temporary. It is OK. Lots of work since the driver has to unload the freight himself. But, it is supposed to bring in more money. We will see. I got some bad news today. My father in New York isn't doing so well. He has had cancer for some time now and from what I understand, he had to be put on oxygen last night. Paula and I are now working out some details to try to make it up to New York so we can see him. I will call my dispatcher Monday and see about taking a few extra days off to get up there. For obvious reasons I couldn't get any sleep, so I went into the truck stop to eat at the restaurant. When I sat down at the counter (where the truck drivers usually eat and talk) there where some truck drivers talking about Autism. I caught the conversation but wasn't paying much attention. My mind was on other things. But when one truck driver said, "Autism really doesn't exist. It is just one of many diseases made up to excuse bad parents," my attention snapped to the conversation. I looked at the driver, smiled, and said, "Awe, you ignorant. Bless your heart." Everyone at the counter (except the driver I was speaking to) busted out laughing. The driver asked me, "You think autism is real?" I told him that I know it is real. I then asked him what type of punishment does a parent administer to their baby when the baby doesn't look mom in the eyes? I didn't have to force our oldest daughter to look us in the eye. What punishment does a parent administer when I toddler doesn't pick things up and put it in his/her mouth? Most parents have to work to keep their child from putting things in their mouth. What punishment does a parent have to administer when a child doesn't speak at all? I didn't teach our oldest daughter to speak, she just started speaking and now we have trouble turning her off. What punishment does a parent have to administer to stop a child from stimming? Our oldest daughter doesn't stim. What punishment does a parent have to administer to get a child to realize that he/she isn't alone in the world when it seems that child doesn't even see or hear anyone in the room? Our oldest daughter is eager to play and interact with others. After I made these statements I think the people at the counter, even the waitress, realized that one of my children has autism because it was quiet. The man who had claimed that autism didn't exist said he was sorry but I told him not to be sorry and in fact, I thanked him. What he said is what a lot of us think about certain things without really doing the research. Before we draw conclusions, we really should do the research so that we are not speaking in ignorance. He is right about some of what he said. We are quick to call something a disorder just because it isn't what we call "normal" behavior. But that doesn't mean that we should call everything that isn't a physical disorder non-existent. When I was done eating I went to the restroom and then went to the store to get something to drink. As I walked up to the register, I noticed the man who said that autism wasn't real. He was at the register writing on something as he was checking out. I went to the register as he finished and he saw me. He smiled and told me to say "hi" to my child. I told him I would and thanked him. After he left I saw what he was was righting on. He wrote his name on a "autism speaks" donation card. Thank you sir. Love, The Oklahoma Tomcat |
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thank you for visiting my blog page and pray that you will find my blogs helpful and a blessing. I blog about my faith and beliefs and how I use them in everyday life. I am also on twitter at
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Autism not real?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
ObamaCare coming to Oklahoma?
We need to learn from autistic people
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How is everyone doing? Everything is going fine out here on the road. I am currently in Hollins, VA. I will be rolling again at midnight and heading to Tennessee. I have a question in regards to autism. I am wondering if it is really us "normal" people who really has a lot to learn from autistic people? Think about it, everyone is different. We all have our gifts and flaws and we are supposed to love and get along with everyone. We are also supposed to help one another out. This means that even though we all learn differently and have our weakness', we are to work around those differences and help the person out. I feel that today we are quick to label people as a disability or disorder just because they are not "normal" even if that person was created to act or be the way they are. Let me give you an example. ADHD. I know I am going to get people's defenses up, but please continue reading and hear me out. I have had people tell me that I have ADHD and I am sure I could go to the doctors and be diagnosed. But I don't see being Hyper as a disorder. It is actually a blessing from God. I just tell people that it was labeled as a disorder because those with no energy are jealous and wants to drug us. Now, unfortunately, the side affect of being hyperactive is having trouble paying attention for extended periods, but that just takes learning. But think of all the good performers and motivational people. Many of them very hyperactive and without working on it, have very little attention span. How do those of us who are hyperactive and low attention spans learn to live in society without drugs? It takes people who learned how to teach and work with different types of people to teach us. Watching Micah grow, that is what I am seeing. Micah is different, just like all of us. He learns different, he sees things different. So it takes us, learning how to work with a person who isn't like us, to help that person grow and learn. This is difficult since Micah don't look at things or hear things in the same way we do. He doesn't see people like we do and he doesn't hear voices like we do. So, it does make teaching very hard. But, as we are teaching him we are learning how to deal with people who are very different from us and to love and understand people who are very different. It is a huge blessing to grow in love for all people and not to look at people who are not like us as disabled or there actions as a disorder. I heard one girl with Aspergers say that to her, she is normal and everyone else is strange. As Micah grows up, he will probably look at it the same way. When you look around and see someone acting differently or struggling with something that you find to be easy, don't look at them as being odd or not as smart. They are just different from you just as you are different from them. Speaking of smart, keep in mind that Autistic people are extremely smart. It just takes an understanding and loving person to help them communicate in a world that is so strange to them. I do want to make sure everyone knows that I am not lessening the importance of being aware of autism and helping autistic children out. They do need to learn how to communicate and adapt in society so that they can use there full potential and succeed in life. They are very bright people and can do so much in life. But just think if everyone would stop looking at one another as odd, disabled, or a disorder and started looking at one another as just different and learns or looks at things differently. If everyone teated each other as a loving parent of an autistic child treats the child. We would see success stories in more people like the ones told by autistic teens and adults. The world needs that. Take care and God Bless. Love, The Oklahoma Tomcat |
Cecile Richards lied on Headline News.
During a recent appearance on Headline News, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards claimed that de-funding Planned Parenthood would prevent the nation's leading abortion mill from providing women with mammogram services. This is a lie. The pro-life group, Live Action, called 30 Planned Parenthood clinics in 27 states inquiring about mammogram services and in every instance the caller was told that Planned Parenthood doesn't provide those services whatsoever. Planned Parenthood is a fraud. They are not a comprehensive health care service provider, they are a taxpayer-funded abortion factory. Even Americans opposed to restricting abortion are overwhelmingly opposed to using tax dollars to fund it. Cecile Richards is attempting to play on the fears of women to keep the more than $350 million in public funds flowing to a corrupt organization that pays her $400,000 and performs over 300,000 abortions every year.
Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review
CBS News For all those who've declared the autism-vaccine debate over - a new scientific review begs to differ. It considers a host of peer-reviewed, published theories that show possible connections between vaccines and autism. The article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology is entitled "Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review." The author is Helen Ratajczak, surprisingly herself a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm. Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them. Ratajczak's article states, in part, that "Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination [emphasis added]. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain." The article goes on to discuss many potential vaccine-related culprits, including the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time. "What I have published is highly concentrated on hypersensitivity, Ratajczak told us in an interview, "the body's immune system being thrown out of balance." University of Pennsylvania's Dr. Brian Strom, who has served on Institute of Medicine panels advising the government on vaccine safety says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy (brain damage), but not scientifically linked to autism. As for Ratajczak's review, he told us he doesn't find it remarkable. "This is a review of theories. Science is based on facts. To draw conclusions on effects of an exposure on people, you need data on people. The data on people do not support that there is a relationship. As such, any speculation about an explanation for a (non-existing) relationship is irrelevant." Ratajczak also looks at a factor that hasn't been widely discussed: human DNA contained in vaccines. That's right, human DNA. Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue. Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked. Ratajczak also says an additional increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue. Why could human DNA potentially cause brain damage? The way Ratajczak explained it to me: "Because it's human DNA and recipients are humans, there's homologous recombinaltion tiniker. That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it's changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it's an ongoing inflammation. It doesn't stop, it continues through the life of that individual." Dr. Strom said he was unaware that human DNA was contained in vaccines but told us, "It does not matter...Even if human DNA were then found in vaccines, it does not mean that they cause autism." Ratajczak agrees that nobody has proven DNA causes autism; but argues nobody has shown the opposite, and scientifically, the case is still open. A number of independent scientists have said they've been subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit them when their research exposed vaccine safety issues, especially if it veered into the topic of autism. We asked Ratajczak how she came to research the controversial topic. She told us that for years while working in the pharmaceutical industry, she was restricted as to what she was allowed to publish. "I'm retired now," she told CBS News. "I can write what I want." We wanted to see if the CDC wished to challenge Ratajczak's review, since many government officials and scientists have implied that theories linking vaccines to autism have been disproven, and Ratajczak states that research shows otherwise. CDC officials told us that "comprehensive review by CDC...would take quite a bit of time." In the meantime, CDC provided these links: Interagency Autism Coordination Committee: Overview of all CDC surveillance and epi work: CDC study on risk factors and causes: |