Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our national debt. Who to blame

As I was sitting at Duncan Donuts enjoying a Caremel Hot Shot Coffe w/ skim milk and an everything Bagel w/cream cheese, I hear a familiar agrument between 4 men over the national debt. "President Bush got us into debt & now everyone expects Obama to get us out over night." "Well Obama got us further into debt." The argument continue to grow.

Lets say that you own a bussiness. You have guy #1 managing the money. Bussiness is doing good & guy #1 has an easy job. Suddenly bussiness is slowing down as guy #1 is quiting. You hire guy #2 who is dealing with your slow business. He tells you to lower pricess to get more customers wich works but bussiness is still slow. He has you borrow money to invest in the bussiness even though you are not making money. You are in debt. Man #2 quites. Now you hire man #3. Your bussiness is in debt. He has you barrow lots of money to try to change your bussiness. He has trippled your debt in 2 years & still no income. How long do you let him continue?

The Oklahoma Tomcat
Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

Monday, September 13, 2010

Amarillo, TX

Greetings in the name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. How are you doing? I am sitting in Amarillo, TX. I got here Sunday and switched trailers with another driver. Come to find out though that the trailer I got from the other driver had marker lights that don't work. So I am stuck here trying to get it fixed. I can't go anywhere til it is fixed.

It seems Micah is not making progress with his theropy. We feel that the people doing the theropy isn't doing a good job so Paula is going to talk to other parents who have autistic children in our area to get recomendations on good theropists. We want a theropist that wants to help us help micah grow to be as independant as possible. I know that this is Gods will & therefor we must take action to make sure he has to tools to accomplish this. Paula has been doing a lot of canning. Sounds like I will have plenty of food to take onto the road with me the next time I go out. I can't wait. Eating good healthy food on the road is expensive.

The Oklahoma Tomcat
Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dallas, TX

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How is everyone doing? I pray that everyone finds this blog in good health & spirits. Things are going good out here on the road. I am now out of training and in a temporary truck. It is a 2010 International TranStar daycab. I will be dispatched with a load to Albuquerque, NM and then trade trucks with another driver who needs a daycab. He will give me his truck that has a sleeper. Currently I sit in Dallas, TX waiting on a dispatch.

Burn a Qur'an???

Some disturbing news has been brought to my attention that I feel I must write about. It appears  that some churches wiill be burning the Qur'an this Saturday. Now, I will say that these people have every right to burn the Qur'an. But, is it what God wants us to do?

I always say that burning anther y book or symbol, in itself, doesn't bother me. It is just a book or symbol. What bothers me is that these burnings are done in hate. God wants us to show love to ALL PEOPLE. Even to those that show hate.